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光华讲坛—Intrachoice Dynamics Shape Social Decisions
发布时间: 2023-06-08

主题Intrachoice Dynamics Shape Social Decisions

主讲人浙江大学管理学院 陈发动(“百人计划”研究员)

主持人工商管理学院 赵琳教授



主办单位:工商管理学院 科研处


陈发动,浙江大学管理学院“百人计划”研究员、博士生导师,脑机智能全国重点实验室骨干成员,神经管理学浙江省哲学社会科学实验室核心成员。主要从事行为决策、行为与实验经济学等领域的教学与科研工作。先后主持或参与国家自然科学基金青年基金、面上项目、科技部科技创新2030重大项目等多项科研项目。相关研究发表于《Nature Communications》、《Management Science》、《Manufacturing & Service Operations Management》等期刊。先后获得浙江省哲学社会科学优秀成果二等奖、中国运筹学会行为运作管理分会优秀青年学者研究奖等。先后入选浙江省钱江人才计划,仲英青年学者等。


Do people have well-defined social preferences waiting to be applied when making decisions? Or do they have to construct social decisions on the spot? If the latter, how are those decisions influenced by the way in which information is acquired and evaluated? These temporal dynamics are fundamental to understanding how people trade off selfishness and pro-sociality in organizations and societies. Here, we investigate how the temporal dynamics of the choice process shape social decisions in three studies using response times and mouse tracking. In the first mousetracking study, participants made binary decisions in mini-dictator games with and without time constraints. Using mouse-trajectories and a starting-time drift diffusion model (stDDM), we find that, regardless of time constraints, selfish participants were delayed in processingothers’payoffs, while the opposite was true for pro-social participants. The independent mouse-trajectory analysis and computational modeling analysis identified consistent measures of the delay between considering one’s own and others’payoffs (self-onset delay, SOD). The SOD measure correlated with individual differences in pro-sociality and predicted heterogeneous effects of time constraints on preferences. We confirmed these results in two additional studies, one a purely behavioral study in which participants made decisions by pressing computer keys, and the other a replication of the mouse-tracking study. Together these results indicate that people preferentially process either self or others’payoffs early in the choice process. The intra-choice dynamics are crucial in shaping social preferences and might be manipulated via nudge policies for behavior in managerial or other contexts.
