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光华讲坛—Integrating Multiple Resources for Vehicle Relocation in Large-Scale One-Way Carsharing Systems
发布时间: 2020-11-12

主题Integrating Multiple Resources for Vehicle Relocation in Large-Scale One-Way Carsharing Systems


主持人工商管理学院 肖峰教授


直播平台及会议ID腾讯会议,会议ID:564 165 641

主办单位工商管理学院 科研处


谢驰教授于2008年在美国康奈尔大学获得系统工程博士学位,先后执教于德克萨斯大学、上海交通大学、同济大学,目前为同济大学交通运输工程学院和城市交通研究院教授、博士生导师。主要研究方向包括「交通网络管理与控制」、「城市交通与能源系统规划」、「城市共享交通与物流系统」、「货运与物流系统优化」等。擅长运用运筹与管理科学、微观与区域经济学、认知与行为科学等多学科结合的方法来分析和预测交通运输系统中的经济与社会现象,并为大型综合交通运输系统的规划、控制、运营、管理建立优化模型和提供战略决策。研究成果被累计发表在100余篇各种学术论文、书籍章节和研究报告中,其中包括50余篇国际期刊论文。曾于2017年入选中国工程院和美国工程院联合主办的 China-America Frontiers of Engineering Symposium 演讲嘉宾,于2018年获得世界交通大会优秀论文奖,并于2014年和2020年分别获得 UNSW Visiting Professorial Fellowship 和 RISUD Visiting Fellowship。谢驰教授目前担任交通运输领域国际学术期刊《International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology》副主编、世界交通大会「交通与物流系统规划」学科主席及「水路运输系统优化」学科联合主席、美国交通研究理事会「货运规划与物流委员会」委员、华南交通与物流发展研究中心咨询委员会专家委员等。


Though its first use dates back to 1940s, carsharing has not widely attracted the public’s awareness, until the last decade as an emerging form of shared economy. Different from the eodem loco pickup-and-dropoff policy enacted by traditional car rental companies, most of current carsharing services allow for taking and returning a shared car at different service stations. This one-way setting greatly enhances travelers’ car renting and returning convenience and hence increases the attractiveness and competitiveness of carsharing in the transportation service market. Such flexibility, however, comes up with a serious imbalance problem between car supply and user demand across stations. To reduce the negative impacts due to the supply-demand imbalance, carsharing planners and managers suggested various technological and managerial rebalancing strategies. The most primitive and widely used strategy is vehicle relocation, the main operation of which is to employ full-time or part-time human operators or stimulate vehicle users by economic incentives to drive cars from stations with car abundance to other stations with car shortage. Obviously, in a large-scale carsharing system, these operator dispatchment and user stimulation operations are rather time- and cost-consuming, calling for a complex decision process executed at a frequent basis in real time and involving hundreds or even thousands of vehicles. This presentation records some of research advances made by Prof. Chi Xie’s research group on how to optimize vehicle relocation operations for one-way carsharing systems by using multiple resources (such as professional operators, designated drivers and vehicle users) simultaneously.
