王 鑫
职 称:教授、博士生导师
l 卡耐基梅隆大学,运营管理,博士
l 德州大学,电子工程,硕士
l 清华大学,电子工程,学士
· Baozhuang Niu, Yaoqi Liu, Yong Jin, Xin Wang, Xiaohang Yue. Impact of Channel Co-opetition and Taxes on a Multinational Firm's Local Production Decision. Forthcoming in Production and Operations Management.
· Lin Nan, Chao Tang, Xin Wang, Gaoqing Zhang. The Real Effect of Transparency in Crowdfunding. Forthcoming in Contemporary Accounting Research.
· Kanglin Chen, Xin Wang, Baozhuang Niu, Ying-Ju Chen. Impact of Tariffs and Price Premiums of Locally Manufactured Products on Global Manufacturers’ Sourcing Strategies. Production and Operations Management, 31(9) 3474-3490, 2022.
· Xin Wang, Soo-Haeng Cho, Alan Scheller-Wolf. Green Technology Development and Adoption: Competition, Regulation, and Uncertainty – A Global Game Approach. Management Science, 67(1) 201-219, 2021.
· Baozhuang Niu, Kanglin Chen, Xin Fang, Xiaohang Yue, Xin Wang. Technology Specifications and Production Timing in a Co-opetitive Supply Chain. Production and Operations Management, 28(8) 1990-2007, 2019.
· Soo-Haeng Cho, Xin Wang. Newsvendor Mergers. Management Science, 63(2) 298-316, 2017.
l 教育部高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(人文社会科学)二等奖
l 广东省哲学社会科学优秀成果一等奖
l First Place, INFORMS Technology, Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship Section (TIMES) Best Working Paper Competition
l OMEGA 杰出审稿人奖