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光华讲坛—“数字化管理”高端讲堂系列(三):Contemporary issues of IS research: Revisit P-value & ethical issues 信息系统研究的当代问题:重新审视P值和道德问题
发布时间: 2022-11-25


Contemporary issues of IS research: Revisit P-value & ethical issues


主讲人:美国新墨西哥大学 罗欣 教授

主持人:工商管理学院 陈扬教授


举办地点:腾讯会议 ID:475-563-181

主办单位:工商管理学院 科研处


罗欣 (Xin Luo),博士,现任美国新墨西哥大学(The University of New Mexico)安德森管理学院校董事会讲席教授(Endowed Regent’s Professor)和管理信息系统的终身Black, Albert & Mary Jane Professor讲席正教授(Tenured Full Professor)、院长助理以及国际项目主任。罗欣博士目前担任国际期刊International Journal of Accounting and Information Management的主编。同时,他也在全球最顶级的管理信息系统期刊MIS Quarterly担任客座副编辑 (Guest Associate Editor),全球信息系统协会旗舰期刊Journal of the Association for Information Systems的副主编(Associate Editor)和特邀高级编辑 (Guest Senior Editor)及担任全球知名期刊Decision Sciences, Information & Management, Electronic Commerce Research, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Journal of Intellectual Capital及全球信息系统最高学术年会International Conference on Information Systems的副主编。罗欣博士的主要研究兴趣主要在信息系统安全行为管理,电子商务/社交商务,创新性技术用于战略决策(区块链,云计算,绿色信息系统,社会网络),跨文化信息技术管理。在同行审阅的国际学术期刊上出版超过110篇科研论文。其中他在Decision Support Systems和Journal of Strategic Information Systems期刊上面发表的三篇文章被列为至2010年以来被引用率最高的科研成果。罗欣博士在近年多次担任大型和国际学术会议的学术指导、学术编委及主席。2009年至今被美国Marquis选入“全球名人录”(Who is Who in the World)。

Dr. Xin Luo is currently the Endowed Regent's Professor,Tenured Black, Albert & Mary Jane Professor of Management Information Systems, Tenured Full Professor, Assistant Dean, and Director of International Programs at the University of New Mexico. Dr. Luo is currently the Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Accounting and Information Management. He also serves as Guest Associate Editor for MIS Quarterly, the world's top management information systems journal, and as Associate Editor and Guest Senior Editor for the Journal of the Association for Information Systems. He serves as an Associate Editor for the other world's leading journals: Decision Sciences, Information & Management, Electronic Commerce Research, Journal of Electronic Commerce Research, Journal of Intellectual Capital, and the International Conference on Information Systems. Dr. Xin Luo's main research interests are in information systems security behavior management, e-commerce/social business, innovative technologies for strategic decision making (blockchain, cloud computing, green information systems, social networks), and cross-cultural information technology management. He has published more than 110 scientific papers in peer-reviewed international academic journals. Three of his articles in Decision Support Systems and Journal of Strategic Information Systems have been ranked as the most cited scientific papers since 2010. Dr. Luo has served as an academic director, editorial board member, and chair of numerous major and international conferences in recent years, and has been selected by Marquis as one of the "Who is Who in the World" since 2009.



An important issue in contemporary IS (information systems) research is the reconstruction of P-values and ethical issues. P-values are the most widely used test statistic in empirical research and are an important indicator of the significance of hypothesis testing, but this often leads to widespread abuse of P-values, which are increased by Hacking to obtain the desired statistical results, but violate academic ethics and create meaningless pseudoscience. This has also caused concern among scholars in various countries. This talk will introduce several common Hacking methods for P-values and several possible solutions.