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光华讲坛—鲁棒与随机优化系列讲座(十二):Supermodularity in Two-Stage Distributionally Robust Optimization
发布时间: 2021-06-30

主题:鲁棒与随机优化系列讲座(十二):Supermodularity in Two-Stage Distributionally Robust Optimization

主讲人:香港科技大学 戚瑾助理教授

主持人:工商管理学院 徐亮教授


举办地点: 腾讯会议, 会议ID:828 2924 9673

主办单位: 工商管理学院 科研处




In this paper, we solve a class of two-stage distributionally robust optimization problems which have the property of supermodularity. We exploit the explicit worst-case expectation of supermodular functions and derive the worst-case distribution for the robust counterpart. This enables us to develop an efficient method to obtain an exact optimal solution of these two-stage problems. We also show that the optimal scenariowise segregated affine decision rule returns the same optimal value in our setting. Further, we provide a necessary and sufficient condition for checking whether any given two-stage optimization problem has the supermodularity property. We apply this framework to several classic problems, including the multi-item newsvendor problem, the facility location design problem, the lot-sizing problem on a network, the appointment scheduling problem and the assemble-to-order problem. While these problems are typically computationally challenging, they can be solved efficiently using our approach.
