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光华讲坛—【海外名家讲堂】以员工为本的人力资源管理实践,员工幸福感,生产力和企业韧性 Human-centred HRM practices, employee well-being, productivity and business resilience
发布时间: 2022-07-11


Human-centred HRM practices, employee well-being, productivity and business resilience

主讲人:澳大利亚莫纳什大学 Fang Lee Cooke 教授

主持人:工商管理学院 陈扬教授


举办地点:Zoom会议 ID:871 0966 5292 会议密码:364061

主办单位:工商管理学院 国际交流与合作处 科研处


Fang Lee Cooke (Ph.D. in University of Manchester) is Distinguished Professor at the Faculty of Business and Economics, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia. She is a Fellow of Academy of the Social Sciences in Australia. Prior to joining Monash University, Dr Cooke was a full professor at Manchester Business School at the University of Manchester (since 2005) in the United Kingdom. She has also held positions at RMIT (Deputy Head of School of Management), Melbourne and Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China.

Fang's research interests are in the area of employment relations, gender studies, diversity management, strategic HRM, knowledge management and innovation, outsourcing, Chinese outward FDI and employment of Chinese migrants, HRM in the banking sector, care sector, and construction sector, and the impact of AI, digitalisation and data analytics on skill, employment and the nature of work.

Fang is the author ofHRM, Work and Employment in China(Routledge, 2005),Competition, Strategy and Management in China(Palgrave Macmillan, 2008), andHuman Resource Management in China: New Trends and Practices(Routledge, 2012). She is also the author/co-author of more than 130 academic journal articles and over 70 book chapters. Her work has been published inJournal of Management Studies,Human Resource Management,British Journal of Industrial Relations,Human Relations,Journal of World Business,Journal of Business Research,Human Resource Management Journal,andInternational Journal of Human Resource Management. She is one of the co-editors-in-chief ofHuman Resource Management,International Journal of Human Resource management, andAsia Pacific Journal of Human Resources.

李应芳教授(英国曼彻斯特大学博士),现为莫纳什大学商学院杰出教授;澳大利亚社会科学院院士。曾任英国曼彻斯特大学商学院教授、澳大利亚皇家墨尔本理工大学管理学院副院长。其研究方向为亚洲人力资源管理与劳动关系、性别研究、多样化管理、战略人力资源管理、知识管理和创新、外包、中国对外直接投资及华人移民就业等问题。现已出版个人专著3部,《HRM, Work and Employment in China》(Routledge, 2005)、《Competition, Strategy and Management in China》 (Palgrave Macmillan, 2008)以及《Human Resource Management in China: New Trends and Practices》(Routledge, 2012);发表学术论文130余篇以及学术书籍章节70余篇,多篇收录于顶级学术期刊《Journal of Management Studies》、《Human Resource Management》、《British Journal of Industrial Relations》、《Human Relations》、《Journal of World Business》、《Journal of Business Research》、《Human Resource Management Journal》以及《International Journal of Human Resource Management》等。李应芳教授现任《Human Resource Management》;《International Journal of Human Resource management》;《Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources》的联合主编。


Covid-19 and regional conflicts have created significant challenges for business and societies. A human-centred approach to HRM is essential to building a resilient and productive workforce which ultimately contribute to building resilient businesses, communities and societies. Business resilience refers to a business’ ability to manage crises and continue its business goals when a risk or an unfavourable change appears. Increasingly, productivity of a business is measured by a broadening set of criteria of short-term and tangible outputs as well as longer-term and intangible achievements not only for the business and its workforce, but also for the society as a whole, including for example, workforce employability, skill development, the quality of their working life and wellbeing and environmental impact. This seminar discusses what human-centred HRM is, including the role of digital technology, and how human-centred HRM can contribute to enhancing employees’ wellbeing. A workforce that enjoys a high level of wellbeing is a resilient one which is likely to be more productive in a sustainable manner, which will in turn contribute to a resilient and sustainable business.
