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发布时间: 2022-11-14


主讲人:斯特拉斯堡大学 Sébastien Point教授

主持人:工商管理学院 唐明凤教授


举办地点:Zoom会议 ID:955 7510 6056 密码:20221115

主办单位:工商管理学院 国际交流与合作处 科研处


Since 2009, Sébastien Point is full professor at EM Strasbourg Business School, Université de Strasbourg (France) where he teaches International Human Resource Management and International Management. His research centers on organizational discourse. Since 2016, he is heading the research center “HuManiS” at EM Strasbourg Business School. He holds a PhD from Université de Lyon (France) since 2001. He has 12 publications in international journals such asJournal of Business Ethics,International Journal of Human Resource ManagementLong Range Planning, European Management Journal, etc. and 29 publications in French Journals. His google H index is 19.

He has been visiting scholar at Cranfield University (UK) over the period 2002-2007 and he has been an adjuct Professor at PennState University (US) in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2018 (where he teaches for MBAs during 1 month every year). He also has been a Visiting Professor at Brennan School of Management (Dominican University, Chicago, US).

Sébastien Point,法国斯特拉斯堡大学商学院教授,里昂大学博士,人力资源研究中心主任。教授国际人力资源管理和国际管理课程,研究方向为组织话语。在《 Journal of Business Ethics》、《 International Journal of Human Resource Management》、《 Long Range Planning》、《 European Management Journal》等国际知名期刊发表12篇、在法国发表29篇出版物,文章“谷歌H指数”为19。2002 - 2007年在英国克兰菲尔德大学任访问学者; 2012-2014年、2018年在美国宾夕法尼亚大学任客座教授(每年为 MBA授课 1个月); 担任加州多明尼克大学布伦南管理学院访问教授。


IKEA has built its competitive advantage throughout its unique 'Swedishness' for the products but also for the way to manage its employees. This Swedish character is strongly represented in IKEA internal organization. Human resource management practices have reflected this strong Swedish approach, with a belief that people like to participate in decision making, like to be respected and take on responsibility. Swedish managers are expected to be ambassadors, and explain the IKEA way to non-Swedish co-workers in overseas operations. This has proved relatively easy in the United-States, but not so in Germany and France. Do you know why?

宜家通过其独特的 "瑞典特色" 建立了自身竞争优势,这不仅体现在产品上,也体现在管理员工的方式上。这种瑞典特色在宜家的内部组织中得到了很好的体现,其人力资源管理的实践也反应出这种具有鲜明瑞典特色的方式:认为人们喜欢参与决策,喜欢被尊重并承担责任。瑞典管理人员被期望成为大使,去向海外业务中的非瑞典籍同事阐释这种宜家模式。事实证明,这对美国来说相对容易接受,但在德国和法国却并不如此。其中原因又是什么?