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发布时间: 2024-03-11

1企业管理杨晓明1Natural resources for policy makers: Revisiting COVID-19 perspective of aggregate South Asian economiesResources Policy(2023.5)12018B2021版

企业管理杨晓明XSynergistic dynamics unveiled:Interplay between rare earth prices, clean energy innovations, and tech companies’ market resilience amidst the Covid-19 pandemic and Russia-Ukraine conflictResources Policy(2024.1)12018B2021版
2人力资源管理王苏1Proactive Personality as a Predictor of Career Adaptability and Career Growth Potential: A View From Conservation of Resources TheoryFrontiers in Psychology(2021.9)12018B2021版
3人力资源管理纪乂予1Dual-squeeze effect: How job demands fuel overwork and its consequences in the context of hospitality.Current Issues in Tourism(2023)22018B2021版

企业管理李京蓉X 项目进村与乡村公共品供给不平衡——基于村干部能动性的视角四川师范大学学报(社会科学版)(2020.03)12018C2021版
6人力资源管理刘雪梅1Top management team boundary-spanning leadership: Measurement development and its impact on innovative behaviorFrontiers in Psychology(2022.12)12018B2021版
7大数据管理周伊然1A study on the Complexity of a New Chaotic Financial SystemComplexity(2020.10)22018A2018版
8大数据管理张九龙1Estimating priorities from relative deviations in pairwise comparison matricesInformation Sciences(2020.12.31)12018A2018版
9企业管理余婧1How Followers' Perception of Followership Prototype-Traits Fit Impact Their Job Performance: A Moderated Polynomial Regression AnalysisFrontiers in Psychology(2024.1.8)12018B2018版
10物流与供应链管理陈全朋1Blockchain-Enabled Supply Chain Internal and External Finance ModelSustainability(2023.7)12018B2018版
11大数据管理万芸1Early-stage phishing detection on the Ethereum transaction networkSoft Computing(2022.12)12018B2018版
13企业管理罗雪1Yoga and music intervention reduces inattention, hyperactivity/ impulsivity, and oppositional defiant disorder in children’s consumer with comorbid ADHD and ODDFrontiers in Psychology(2023.09)12018B2018版
15物流与供应链管理翟倩茹1Hotel Overbooking Based on No-Show Probability ForecastsComputers & Industrial Engineering (2023.4)12018B2018版
16大数据管理杜华明1DKPE: Deep Keyphrase ExpansionNeurocomputing(2023.12)12018A2018版
17旅游管理黄诗云1The impact of ski servicescape on tourist loyalty: evidence from Chinese marketCurrent issues in tourism (2024.1.1)12018B2018版
18大数据管理魏少朋1Combining intra-risk and contagion risk for enterprise bankruptcy prediction using graph neural networksInformation Sciences (2024.1)12018A2018版