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Yuke ZHU

Yuke ZHUMajor:Consumer EconomicsTitle:Associate ProfessorE-mail:zhuyuke@swufe.edu.cnCourses:

Consumer Economics (For Undergraduate Student), Consumption and Household Assets (For Graduate Student)

Education Background

2004/09 - 2008/01 Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Ph.D.

2001/09 - 2004/07 Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Master

1997/09 - 2001/07 Sichuan Normal University Bachelor

Research Area

Research Area:Consumer Economics, Consumer Finance

Refereed Publications

Journal Article

[1] Sichuan Daily:A Breakthrough of Expanding Sichuan Rural Consumption Need;2010

[2]Research on Chengdu Economic Development:A Discussion on the Ways of Economic Pattern Driven by Internal Consumption Need during the 12th "Five-Year" in Chengdu;2009

[3]Consumer Economics:The Changes of Consumption Needs from New Middle Class in China;2008

[4]Consumer Economics:The Effect of Social Security Reform on Chinese Resident Consumption;2006

Meetings/seminars papers

[1] The Fourth Chengdu Economic Development Forum ;2010.12

[2] The Thirteenth Chinese Consumption Economics Theory and Practice Seminar, paper submitted Difficulty for Quake-striken Farmers' Living Change when Lose Land in the Quake Based on the On-site Investigation of Ten Villages;2009.11

[3] The Third Chengdu Economic Development Forum, paper submitted A Discussion on the Ways of Economic Patterns Driven by Internal Consumption Needs from the Perspective of Consumption Economics;2009.12

[4] The Twelfth Chinese Consumption Economics Theory and Practice Seminar, paper submitted Review on the Research Development of Consumption Economics;2008.11

[5] The Fifth Biennial Conference of Hong Kong Economic Association, paper submitted Correlative Mechanism and Effect between Chinese Marketization Reform and Social Structure Change from the Embeding Perspective;2008.12

Research Projects

[1]The Ministry of Education Projcet, Research Plan on Consumption and People's Livelihood;2010.09 - 2011.10

[2]Sichuan Philosophy and Social Science Fund Youth Project, A Demonstration on Resident Income Distribution and Consumption Demand ;2010.7-2011.7

[3]Sichuan Provincial People's Government Investigation Project, How to Boost Sichuan Rural Demand;2010.7-2011.02

[4]Chengdu Municipal Development and Reform Commission Project, The Twelfth Five-Year Plan A New Development Pattern Driven by Domestic Consumption Need;2009.09 - 2010.06

[5]Sichuan Administration For Industry & Commerce Project, A Investigation of Status Consumption and Expectation in Sichuan;2008.11 - 2009.06

[6]Sichuan Philosophy and Social Science Fund Youth Project, Difficulties for Quake-striken Farmers' Living Change when Lose Land in the Quake Based on Dramatic Changes in Social Network;2008.07 - 2009.12

[7]Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Social Science Fund Youth Project, Econoimc Devlopment and The Changing Consumption Pattern of New Middle Class In China;2008.09 - 2009.11

[8] Southwestern University of Finance and Economics 211(Ⅲ) Youth Projects, Vulnerability, Livelihoods and Land-losing Peasants;2008.12 - 2011.12

[9]Southwestern University of Finance and Economics 211(Ⅲ) Leading Discipline Projects, New Middle Class Consumer Behaviour in Urban China: A Global Perspective;2008.12 - 2011.12

[10]Southwestern University of Finance and Economics 211(Ⅲ) Special Research Projects, On Implementing Health-Intensive State Consumption Mode and Promting The Construction of China's Ecological Civilization;2008.12 - 2011.12