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Yu ZHANGMajor:MarketingTitle:Associate ProfessorE-mail:zy@swufe.edu.cnCourses:

Business Negotiation, Marketing,Management, Negotiation and Selling Skills, Public Relations, Commodity Circulation Theory, Management Communications and Controls, Commodity Science and Commodity Business Management

Education Background

2006/09 - 2012/07 Circulation Economics, Southwetern University of Finance and Economics Ph.D

1997/03 - 1999/02 Industrial Economics, Southwetern University of Finance and Economics Master

1986/09 - 1990/07 Trade Economics, Zhongnan University of Economics Bachelor

Research Area

Research Area:Marketing, Service Marketing, Marketing Strategy Planning and Strategy Research, E-Marketing

Refereed Publications

Journal Article

[1]Journal of Chengdu Sport University:Constraining Factors on Development of Sports Shoe Industry and its Countermeasures ;2005.04

[2]Southwest Finance:A Discussion on Fiancial Holding Companies' Rules: The Reasonable Choice of Chinese Financial Development;2004.10

Research Projects

[1]The Third Prize of Sichuan Science and Technology Award, " The Research of Regional Tourism Competitiveness" ;2008

[2]One of the major participants of the study: "Guided by the Conception of Scientific Development, Research on Four Leap-forward of Sichuan Province" ;2007

Academic Book Authored

[1]Enterprise Management Publishing House:Speech, Eloquence, Debate and Negotiation;1997.08

[2]Sichuan University Press:Business Negotiation;2005.01

[3]Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Press:Modern Business Negotiations;2013.11