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Jian LUO

Jian LUOMajor:Enterprise ManagementTitle:Associate ProfessorE-mail:whxandlj@163.comCourses:

Management, Human Resources Management, Human Resource Management Consulting & Practising for Undergraduate, Graduate and MBA students.

Education Background

1999/09 - 2002/07 Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Ph.D

1996/09 - 1999/07 University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Master

1987/09 - 1991/07 University of Electronic Science and Technology of China Bachelor

Research Area

Research Area:Human Resource Management

Refereed Publications

Journal Article

[1] Nankai Managemnt Review:Research on the Structure and Measuring of the Knowledge-based Staff’QWL in Enterprises;2010

[2] Journal of Xihua University (Philosophy & Social Sciences):Probe the QWL Structure of Knowledge Staff in China;2007

[3] Finance Science:The Study and Review of Quality of Work Life;2007

[4] Commercial Times:The Relationship Between Strategic Human Resource Management and Organization Performance;2006

[5] IEICE.Trans.Fundmentals:Connectivity-Based Image Watermarking;Vol.E89-A,No.4 April 2006.

Meetings/seminars papers

[1] An Empirical Research on the Effect of the Knowledge Staff's QWL on theirs Job Performance;2010.11

[2] A Study of the Methods & Conditions of the Organization Innovation ;2009.06

[3] A Study of the Methods & Conditions of the Organization Innovation ;2006.07

Research Projects

[1]The Empirical and Theory Model Study of Performance Management on the Basis of Enterprise Strategic Environment, paper submitted to National Natural Science Fund Project

[2] A Study of Work Life Quality Structure and Evaluation System in Chinese Enterprises, paper submitted to (Ministry of Education in China) Project of Humanities and Social Sciences

[3] A Study of the Machanism of Laborship Harmony in Enterprises, paper submitted to National Natural Science Fund Project

Academic Book Authored

[1]Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Press:Southwestern University of Finance and Economics Press;2009.08

[2]Tsinghua University Press:Human Resource Management;2006.08